5 Spring Cleaning Tips You Haven't Thought About!
Mar 15, 2021
It is that time of the year again. When we all put away the scarfs and gloves, breakout our floral wreaths, and look forward to long, warm nights on the porch *ahhh* Although spring isn't fully here yet, now is actually a really great time to get started on those spring cleaning projects and here are 5 things you didn't think to clean!
1) Winter Coats!
Okay, this first one might seem counterintuitive to clean these now but trust me! If your coats require them to be dry cleaned or washed on the gentle cycle, now is the PERFECT time to do that.
Get those coats out of the closet and to the cleaners! Then, when they are ready to be picked up, simply leave the dry-cleaning plastic over top and store it until next year or use a garment bag linked HERE. Win-win.
2) Mattress, Pillows & Comforter
Spring is not just changing out your flannel bedding for a cotton spread. Be sure you don't overlook vacuuming the mattress and flipping/rotating it. Check your comforter (some say wash once a year) but now is the best time to throw that comforter in the washer! Once the comforter has a spin, toss in the pillows. If you can, let them air dry outside to give them a crisp feel.
A great tip from A.J.A. & More is to set your dryer on the lowest heat setting and throw in a clean tennis ball to allow for the feathers to be evenly distributed!
While your bedding is in cleaning use a powerful hand vacuum to make cleaning super easy. We have a Shark link to one HERE and it's $50 off!
3) Baseboards
This happens to be part of my monthly cleaning routine as baseboards are my biggest pet peeve (Currently in the process of eliminating them from our home!) But if there is one thing I have learned from becoming a Professional Organizer, it is that my organized and clean, may not be everyone's organized and clean. So here is tip #3.
Baseboards, that little part where the wall meets the floor. They are super easy to glance over, but don't! Please, for me, take a second look. Do you notice a collection of dust, dog hair, or dirt? YIKES!
First, make cleaning baseboards easier on yourself by getting a dry Swiffer to run along the tops of the board where more fifth is likely to collect. Since I use these daily, we get ours from Costco but Amazon sells them HERE. I also use the extender on my vacuum and every few weeks take a rag and cleaning products to it.
Put the dry cloth on the Swiffer and flip it up so it runs flush across the baseboards.
4) Your Oven
Okay, this might be a more common one but nevertheless, it is super important! Not just because that fallen cheese from your pizza smells horrible, but because it is a fire hazard. I invest in heavy-duty cleaners to really get the job done.
Start by removing your oven racks then heat your oven on the self-cleaning mode (or 200 for 20-30 min). After the oven is hot, shut it off and spray the Easy-Off Heavy Duty Cleaner to work it's magic. Give it a good 5-10 min with the door closed to get off all the grease and yuck. Last, grab the rubber gloves, heavy duty scrub sponge, and loads of paper towels to do the clean-up!
Hey, it's a messy job, but do you really want the last Thanksgiving turkey grease going into Memorial Day with you? Um not so much!
Finish the job by cleaning the outside of the doors and oven top with Weiman Cooktop Cleaner.
5) Lighting Fixtures
A super simple one, just start from the top and work your way down! Please don't forget the light bulb but be sure to turn the lights off first and if need be, cool down.
We installed this light fixture in our dinning room this year but already it has so much dust! I refuse to bring 2020's mess into 2021.
So there you have it! 5 things you (probably) didn't think you needed to clean this spring. Just remember that a professional organizer's clean probably isn't for everyone. And that's okay!
Start small, a drawer (wipe out the crumbs), a closet (vacuum the floors), and work your way around the house. If you start now you'll be able to relax and enjoy the rest of this nice season.
Leave me a note in the comment section and tell me what other things you think are necessary for spring cleaning!
If you want to schedule a call and start the journey to living a more organized life (and a less stressful one!) you can book your call with me HERE.